Two Dough Girls is a virtual, sister-owned bakeshop. We love adding joy and youthfulness to every dessert!

Mani Fresh

Mani Fresh

Yes, even with baking’ hands. Yes, even with a home manicure!

In the kitchen, wearing gloves, not wearing gloves and touching everything and continuously washing your hands can easily and quickly take a toll on your precious hands, espeeeeeeecially if your skin is naturally dry. I don’t want people to look at my hands and automatically know they put in major hours of manual labor, so I’m sharing how I keep them looking loved on, lush and soft:

  1. Drink a lot of water. I know it sounds obvious, but if you are consistently exerting energy, you need to be consistently replenishing. Lotion isn’t going to do the job on its own; you need to first hydrate from the inside out.

  2. Scrub em. After a warm soak or even after being in the shower awhile, I like to use a homemade scrub to scrub off any dead skin. For a single batch, mix 1 tablespoon coarse sugar OR salt, 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon and a drop or two of honey. Apply to hands in a hand washing motion and scrub until salt/sugar granules dissolve or for at least 60 seconds.

  3. Besides your feet, your hands have a unique skin to the rest of your body. For that reason, I moisturize them with balms, oils and butters. Some of my favorites are Yamerra, Herb’n’Eden and The Natural Root. For ultimate absorption, I find it best to apply right after you wash while the skin is still quite damp. I pay extra attention to hangnail-prone areas and slather on a little extra before bed so my hands can get it together overnight.

  4. Use quality nail polish. Throw out that old, stringy stuff and act like you love yourself! I’ve had manicures last 10+ days using Mented and Olive&June. People of Color is another amazing brand that lasts. Always use base coat and top coat aaand don't forget to cap your nails!

  5. Cover up. If you are the dishwasher, use gloves. Always. This protects the skin and nails from hot water, friction with the dish sponge and chemicals in the dish soap.

Do you work in an industry that takes a toll on your hands? How do you keep them soft and supple?

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#memonday... #andtuesdaytoo

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